EDiSU of Pavia is a special agency established by the University of Pavia and under the direct control of the latter. EDiSU is managed by a Board of Directors, whose Chairman is designated by the Chancellor of the University and two other members are nominated by the Board of the University. The remaining two members of EDiSU’ Board are students representatives.

EDiSU legal offices are placed in one of the most beautiful and stunning old palace of Pavia.

EDiSU is in charge of managing and running the twelve students colleges and residences, as well as the four refectories destined to students and university attendants.

EDiSU is also in charge of all the activities and services for the so called “Right of Study”, which are aimed to give the necessary support to those students who are, following the sentence of the law, “capable and deserving, although under-resourced”.

Such activities and services provided by EDiSU can be summarized in two main types: those attributed by means of competitions and those offered to the general student body.

The first includes activities and services related to housing in the Colleges and Residences as well as economic benefits (Scholarships and special subsidies, foreign exchange student service and related scholarships). The second type of activities includes a whole series of services: tutorships, orientation, foreign languages mathematics and support courses, food and refectories services, sports activities, transportation discounts, cultural activities.

EDiSU’s facilities, activities and services are available also for post graduate and PhD students and visiting professors.

Special attention is reserved to students and professors coming from other countries in line with the tradition of the University of Pavia as an international and world-wide open research institute.  

Application procedures for prospective undergraduate, MSc and PhD students together with the relative forms and guidelines for foreign applicants are available at EDiSU website.

For more detailed information contact EdiSU directly at one of the following addresses:

Headquarters at 27100 PaviaVia S. Ennodio, n. 26  (VIEW MAP)

Tel . 0382/305011 Fax 0382/29045;

E-mail: segre@edisu.pv.it; presidenza@edisu.pv.it

INTERNET Address : http://www.edisu.pv.it.

Open to the public: from Mondays to Thursdays 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. - Fridays 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.